Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Counting the Days!!

Only 25 days until we'll all be meeting for the big trip and by now all of you should have your connecting flights booked. If you haven't, remember that most airlines will begin raising ticket prices within 14 days of our flight and you want to be sure you have a space. I only mention this because I lost track of that little detail for myself in the planning. It was only 3 days ago while going through my checklist that I realized that I had not purchased my ticket from Detroit to Minneapolis for the Iceland Air connection! That has now been remedied and I will be arriving in MSP at 4:15 allowing a good padding for our 7:20 PM departure. Several of you will be departing from other cities, so please take the time to re-check and verify your departure times.

Look for another newsletter in the next few days while keeping the final, amended installment dates in mind. A big thanks to those that have already taken care of this!

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